Best Episodes!

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Episode 31

Previously, I infiltrated Gold Drive's fortress.

Now, I have found Dr. Zack. He was with cauldrons of Nuclear Waste.
I used the Potions of Harming from before on Dr. Zack so he could not be able to touch the nuclear waste. It worked, and now Dr. Zack was defeated for the eleventeenth time.

However, Gold Drive is going to revive him again!

Anyway, what should the next episode be about?

Monday, February 22, 2016

Episode 30

Previously, I was attacked by a vending machine. Then I went to a secret area in Gold Drive's house.

This is what happens now.
Inside there was a large area of cauldrons. There was also a weapon in the room behind the iron door.
I knew that Dr. Zack was using this to make potions of harming, so I took all the evidence.
What will happen next?

Friday, February 19, 2016

Episode 29

Hello, I am Kamen Rider Zero Drive and this is the 0.14.0 update of Minecraft pocket edition! Anyway, previously I made golden carrots for a potion of night vision. Then one of the villagers that went into my house said that there were vending machines in the desert.

One of them had a strength potion, but the other one attacked me with a splash potion of harming. I decided to go to my laboratory to see if Dr. Mack created the vending machines.

Also, because of the appearance of Necrom, a new area is in the lab.

Anyway, Dr. Mack said that he didn't put potions of harming in the vending machine. So I decided to go to Gold Drive's house because he's evil and would be the one to do something like that. However, I noticed that a gateway had appeared, and it was going underground.
What do you think is inside this area?

Friday, February 12, 2016

Episode 28

The portal is almost ready. Soon I can create a portal from the overworld to the Nether!

Kamen Rider Necrom

Ok, a villager has went into here. He said that he saw a mysterious figure working on a portal. I was able to find the portal that the villager was talking about.
This means that Gold Drive and the Redstone Guy aren't the only villains that I have to worry about!